


vde_switch virtual network

The simple virtual network from OpenWrt in QEMU is a Linux bridge which allows full communication between the tap interfaces of all virtual instances. This is not optimal to create not fully meshed setups. One alternative is to use a modified vde_switch to create user defined links between each virtual instance.


The test stack consists of the following components:

  • one (modified, see below) vde_switch per instance. You need multiple instances to allow interconnection with wirefilter.
  • one (unmodified) wirefilter per link between hosts.

vde setup

Download vde2.3.1 and the vde colour patch vde2-2.3.1_colour.patch

apply "vde2-2.3.1_colour.patch" for vde.

cd vde-2.3.1
cp vde2-2.3.1_colour.patch .
patch -p1 < vde2-2.3.1_colour.patch

compile and install vde

cd vde-2.3.1
sudo make install

Create colourful.rc

cat > colourful.rc << "EOF" 
port/setcolourful 1
port/create 1
port/create 2
port/create 3
port/create 4
port/create 5
port/setcolour 1 1


You should read the detailed vde_switch parameters documentation. The main advantage of vde_switch over uml_switch is that any clients can be attached to this virtual switch: QEMU, KVM, UML, tap interfaces, virtual interconnections, and not just UML instances.

If the vde_switches were just connected with wirefilter "patch cables" without modification, we would end up creating a broadcast domain and switch loops which we don't want: The goal is to allow the packets to travel only from one host to it's neighbor, not further.

To accomplish this, the vde_switch needs to be modified to have "coloured" ports. The idea is:

  • each port has a "colour" (an integer number)
  • packets are only passed from ports to others with DIFFERENT colours.
  • packets are dropped on outgoing ports if it has the SAME colour as the incoming port.

In this concept, the host port can have colour 1 while the interconnection ports have colour 0. This way, packets can only travel from the host to (all of) the interconnection ports, or from one interconnection port to the host port. However packets can not travel between the the interconnection ports, thus only allowing "one hop" connections and avoiding switch loops and shared broadcast domains. The concept is illustrated below:

You can find the patch against vde2-2.3.1 (current latest stable version) to add this colour patch here:


Wirefilter manpage:
wirefilter is a tool where you can simulate various link defects and limits:

  • packet loss
  • burst loss
  • delay
  • duplicates
  • bandwidth
  • noise (damage to packets)
  • mtu
  • ...

However as the links are only set up bidirectional, interferences can unfortunately not be simulated with this system.

For advanced testing it might be necessary to apply the aforementioned link defects to some packets only whereas other packets are able to traverse the emulated environment unharmed. Once you applied the 'ethertype' patch you can specify an ethertype which wirefilter will simply forward. To apply a packet loss of 50% to all packets except batman-adv packets, run:

wirefilter --ether 0x4305 -l 50

This patch also allows to filter batman-adv packet types. To apply a packet loss of 50% to all packets except batman-adv ICMP packets, run:

wirefilter --ether 0x4305:02 -l 50
You can specify up to 10 packet types (separated by colon). The patch against vde2-2.3.1 (current latest stable version) can be found here:

Start of the environment

virtual network initialization

The script does:
  • kill old instances
  • start up vde_switch instances for each host
  • install the links between the hosts. The resulting topology will be similar to this:
    mesh topology
cat > << "EOF" 


killall -q wirefilter
killall -q vde_switch

for i in $(seq 1 "${NUM_SESSIONS}"); do
    ${VDESWITCH} -d --hub --sock num${i}.ctl -f colourful.rc

for i in $(seq 1 $((${NUM_SESSIONS} - 1))); do
    wirefilter --daemon -v num${i}.ctl:num$((${i} + 1)).ctl

for i in $(seq 1 $((${NUM_SESSIONS} - 2))); do
    wirefilter --daemon -v num${i}.ctl:num$((${i} + 2)).ctl -l 60

chmod +

VM instances bringup

The from the OpenWrt environment can mostly be reused. There are only minimal adjustments required. The virtual network tap NIC has to be replaced with a vde NIC.

-        -nic tap,ifname=tap$i,script=no,model=virtio-net-pci,mac=02:ba:de:af:fe:"${twodigit_id}" \
+        -nic vde,sock=num${i}.ctl,port=1,model=virtio-net-pci,mac=02:ba:de:af:fe:"${twodigit_id}" \

It is also possible to have both (just with different mac addresses) to allow SSH access to the virtual instance over the tap interface.

Automatic test initialization

The from the OpenWrt environment is always test specific. But it can just be reused again with this virtual network.