Feature #315
closedFeature #313: meta: Add debugfs tables to netlink
Make data from debugfs mcast_flags dumpable via netlink
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
8.00 h
Debugfs cannot be used in a non-default netns. Also the current implementation of debugfs files requires large blocks of memory to copy the data to userspace.
Instead all data from mcast_flags should be made dumpable via netlink.
This ticket is assigned to the author of the original code. But everyone can implement the required code
Updated by Sven Eckelmann over 8 years ago
- Blocks Feature #318: Query mcast_flags table data via netlink added
Updated by Sven Eckelmann over 8 years ago
- Blocked by Feature #320: Disable CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV_DEBUGFS by default added
Updated by Sven Eckelmann over 8 years ago
- Blocked by deleted (Feature #320: Disable CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV_DEBUGFS by default)
Updated by Sven Eckelmann over 8 years ago
- Blocks Feature #320: Disable CONFIG_BATMAN_ADV_DEBUGFS by default added
Updated by Sven Eckelmann about 7 years ago
Maybe someone has some feedback here:
<T_X> for the multicsat flags I'm currently trying to figure out how to best offer the extra values for the header <T_X> so far, on the batman-adv side I have added a BATADV_CMD_GET_MCAST_FLAGS. which will dump the extra info first before dumping the table values <T_X> not sure whether that would currently fit for the framework in batctl though <T_X> or whether I should provide the mcast flags header information via an extra command, for instance. and do it similar to netlink_print_gateways() in batctl <T_X> similar to how this function determines BATMAN_IV vs. BATMAN_V <T_X> hm, or it seems I might be able to fetch extra info via info_callback() in batctl. like the TTVN for transtable_local
Updated by Sven Eckelmann about 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Sven Eckelmann almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- Target version set to 2018.1
Updated by Sven Eckelmann almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed