


Bug #249 »

Script to configure the gateway node - Alvaro Antelo, 03/25/2016 12:20 AM

# Alvaro Lopez Antelo
# OpenWRT script to configure a BATMAN-ADV gateway node on TP-LINK WDR-3600
# Firmware compiled with all necessary packages and Batman-ADV Version 5 on Chaos Calmer Release

# Router hostname
export hostname='gateway'

# Global variables
# Default mesh interface names and radio channels. Customize them at will.
export interface_name='mesh'
export interface_mesh_name='bat0'
export interface_ifname0='adhoc0'
export interface_ifname1='adhoc1'
export mesh_channel_radio0='9'
export mesh_channel_radio1='149'
# Mesh SSID and BSSID. Must be the same for this particular mesh deployment
export mesh_ssid='02_CA_FE_CA_00_10'
export mesh_bssid='02:CA:FE:CA:00:10'
# WPA-2 key hash derived with the following tool
# - WPA PSK Calculator
export ap_ssid='mesh'
export ap_key='92c013cfff68a59a38a2a77da861a8cbc676e916c0446ff7b3e8d1649f3a51fe'
# Management SNMP station IPv4 address
export management_station_ip=''
# Only the gateway node has a DHCP server and local IPv4 address on LAN interface
export br_lan_ip=''
export br_lan_netmask=''
# Mesh internal DHCP range, excluding gateway and monitoring addresses
export start_ip_dhcp='2'
export end_ip_dhcp='251'
# internal domain name, for mesh nodes
export local_domain='mesh.lan'
# External backhaul link supplied DNS server to be passed along to mesh nodes and clients
export external_dns_ip=''

# Set hostname on router and dhcp interfaces, set Brasil timezone
uci set system.@system[0].hostname=$hostname
uci set system.@system[0].timezone=BRT3BRST,M10.3.0/0,M2.3.0/0
uci set system.@system[0].zonename='America/Sao Paulo'
uci set network.lan.hostname=$hostname
uci set network.wan.hostname=$hostname
uci commit system
uci commit network

# Start with a clean wireless config - generate brand new one and delete preexisting interfaces
rm /etc/config/wireless
wifi detect >>/etc/config/wireless
( for i in `seq 0 9` ; do echo "delete wireless.@wifi-iface[]" ; done ) | uci batch -q
uci commit wireless

# Disable radio0 @ 2.4Ghz
uci set wireless.radio0.disabled='1'
uci set$mesh_channel_radio0
uci set wireless.radio0.hwmode='11g'
uci set wireless.radio0.htmode='HT20'
uci set wireless.radio0.noscan='1'
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower='21'
uci set'00'
uci commit wireless

# enable adhoc mesh, on radio1 @ 5Ghz
uci set wireless.radio1.disabled='0'
uci set$mesh_channel_radio1
uci set wireless.radio1.hwmode='11a'
uci set wireless.radio1.htmode='HT40'
uci set wireless.radio1.noscan='1'
uci set wireless.radio1.txpower='19'
uci set'00'
uci add wireless wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].device=radio1
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].mode=adhoc
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid=$mesh_ssid
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].bssid=$mesh_bssid
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].mcast_rate=18000
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ifname=$interface_ifname1
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].network=$interface_name
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].hidden='1'
uci commit wireless

# create batman-adv network interface with increased MTU and associate it with mesh
uci set network.$interface_name=interface
uci set network.$interface_name.mesh=$interface_mesh_name
uci set network.$interface_name.proto=batadv
uci set network.$interface_name.mtu=1560
uci commit network

# create batman-adv network interface with increased MTU and associate it with ETH0.3
# This wired interface can extend the mesh network to a monitoring station
uci set network.wired_mesh=interface
uci set network.wired_mesh.ifname='eth0.3'
uci set network.wired_mesh.mtu=1560
uci set network.wired_mesh.proto='none'
uci commit network

# In order to increase MTU of eth0.3 we need to bump main interface ETH0 to 1560 bytes
uci set network.eth0=interface
uci set network.eth0.ifname='eth0'
uci set network.eth0.mtu=1560
uci commit network

# Add VLAN 3 to switch0 and assign it as an untagged interface to port 3
# Port 3 need to be removed from VLAN 1 (LAN)
# This will be naturally connected subinterface eth0.3 created above
# And will be a batman-adv speaking interface to extend this mesh via cable
uci set network.@switch_vlan[0].vlan='1'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[0].ports='0t 2 4 5'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].vlan='2'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[1].ports='0t 1'
uci add network switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[2]=switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[2].device='switch0'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[2].vlan='3'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[2].ports='0t 3'
uci commit network

# Set WAN interface protocol and IP
uci set network.wan.proto='dhcp'
uci set network.wan.mtu=1500
#uci set network.wan.proto='static'
#uci set network.wan.ipaddr=''
#uci set network.wan.netmask=''
#uci set network.wan.gateway=''
uci commit network

# Disable NAT on WAN but mantain firewall
#uci set firewall.@zone[1].conntrack='1'
#uci set firewall.@zone[1].masq='0'
#uci commit firewall

# Set IPv4 static address on br-lan bridge
uci set network.lan.proto='static'
uci set network.lan.ipaddr=$br_lan_ip
uci set network.lan.netmask=$br_lan_netmask
uci set network.lan.mtu='1500'
uci commit network

# Enable DHCP server on LAN
uci add_list dhcp.lan.dhcp_option='6,'$br_lan_ip,$external_dns_ip
uci set dhcp.lan.start=$start_ip_dhcp
uci set dhcp.lan.limit=$end_ip_dhcp
uci set dhcp.lan.leasetime='1h'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain=$local_domain
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].localservice='0'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].resolvfile='/etc/resolv.conf'
uci set dhcp.lan.ignore='0'
uci commit dhcp

# Use external DNS server
rm /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver " $external_dns_ip >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "search "$local_domain >> /etc/resolv.conf

# create batman-adv config file and configure it
uci import -m batman-adv </dev/null
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name='mesh'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.interfaces=$interface_ifname0
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.aggregated_ogms='1'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.ap_isolation='0'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.bonding='0'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.fragmentation='0'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.gw_bandwidth=
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.gw_mode='server'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.gw_sel_class='20'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.log_level=
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.orig_interval='1000'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.vis_mode='1'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.bridge_loop_avoidance='1'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.distributed_arp_table='1'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.multicast_mode='1'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.network_coding=
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.hop_penalty='15'
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.isolation_mark=
uci set batman-adv.$interface_mesh_name.routing_algo='BATMAN_V'
uci commit batman-adv

# bridge br-lan with AP and batman mesh interface
uci set network.lan._orig_ifname='eth0.1'
uci set network.lan._orig_bridge='true'
uci set network.lan.ifname='bat0 eth0.1'
uci commit network

# Configure SNMP daemon local coordinates and contacts
uci set snmpd.@system[-1].sysLocation='[-22.9785166,-43.1908759]'
uci set snmpd.@system[-1].sysContact=''
uci set snmpd.@system[-1].sysName=$(uci get system.@system[0].hostname)
uci commit snmpd

# Script for MTU adjustment and adhoc interfaces association to batman
# Insert on rc.local for execution at the final boot phase
# allow 20 seconds for adhoc interfaces to stabilize
export TAB="$(printf '\t')"
cat <<EOF > /etc/rc.local
/bin/sleep 20
# Set MTU 1560 on wireless adhoc interfaces as a requirement for batman-adv
ip link set mtu 1560 dev adhoc1
/usr/bin/logger 'ADHOC1 MTU increased'
/bin/echo 'BATMAN_V' > /sys/module/batman_adv/parameters/routing_algo
/usr/bin/logger 'Selecting BATMAN_V as routing algorithm'
/usr/sbin/batctl if del adhoc1
/bin/sleep 1
/usr/sbin/batctl if del eth0.3
/bin/sleep 1
/usr/sbin/batctl if add adhoc1
/bin/sleep 1
/usr/sbin/batctl if add eth0.3
/sbin/ifconfig bat0 up
exit 0

# Redirect syslog to management station
uci set system.@system[0].log_ip=$management_station_ip
uci set system.@system[0].conloglevel=7
uci commit

# Configure alfred as a slave node, master will be the monitoring station
uci set alfred.alfred.mode='slave'
uci set alfred.alfred.start_vis='1'
uci set alfred.alfred.disabled='0'
uci commit alfred

# Enable SSH from wan
uci set firewall.openssh_server=rule
uci set'ssh from wan to lan'
uci set firewall.openssh_server.src='wan'
uci set'ACCEPT'
uci set firewall.openssh_server.proto='tcp'
uci set firewall.openssh_server.dest_port='22'
uci commit firewall
/etc/init.d/firewall restart

# generate ssh password on router, disabling telnet and enabling dropbear ssh server
